Off to Joe Martin Stage Race

0 Submitted by on Sun, 27 April 2014, 16:47
After Winston-Salem in North Carolina we traveled all the way over to Harrison, Arkansas to meet up with one our last year’s hosts. Adam and his family offered their house once again to stay in before the start of Joe Martin, now in a new location. It was great to meet again and catch up on our lives and adventures. He also hooked us up to stay with one of his friends place to stay much closer to the stages.
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The two days we stayed with Adam he toured us around the country side of Harrison through rollers and climbs, as warned, since there are practically no flat roads around. Then his wife, Joanna, treated the team to an amazing dinner on the Monday night. All homemade Fruit Salad, Kale and spinach salad, garlic bread and a enough Pasta for an Army!!!
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Tuesday afternoon we headed on down to Judson’s family to be hosted for the rest of week. Let me tell you there’s never a dull moment in this household, with two little girls 4 and 7 years old each, three dogs, and then five riders as well makes for a pretty busy house!!! Really have to say A BIG Thanks to everyone who has offered up their house’s to host the team. It’s one more thing where we couldn’t do what we do without your help.
Stage 1 of Joe Martin a 2.5 mile up hill ITT. Our DS Bryan scoring last team start at the managers meeting meant our TT machine Ryan Roth got to go last out of the starting ramp. Rob and Peter both put in respectable and happy times, while Anton, Yuri and I didn’t put in times we would have liked. Even though I had a faster time then last year I came very short of what I would of liked. The Biggest news came when we found out Ryan finished 2nd!!
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Rocking in our Champion System kits!!

Rocking in our Champion System kits!!

Huge task for us in the coming stages now.

Travis Samuel

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