The Tourism London Challenge

0 Submitted by on Tue, 20 August 2013, 03:28

I would like to start off by saying that this past weekend was more than successful for the Jet Fuel Norco Bicycle team. Two days and two wins. Yesterday’s race was fantastic. The Tourism London Challenge in support of the Forest City velodrome event was fantastic. The weather also helped make it an absolutely beautiful day. It is always a special moment when you get to compete in front of friends and family on your home turf. The day started out with a flurry of attacks from the young juniors in the race. Attacks were furious and in the end a small decisive break would run away from the main field. I would say that I had a bit of an advantage from the standpoint that the race course is identical to that that we train on during the midweek training sessions with the London Centennial Wheelers. I used my knowledge of the course and the conditins and attacked the group in the last 500 m to take the win. I would like thank the volunteers and event staff who supported this youth cup series event. Without you folks the event could not have been made possible.

One thing I would like to say is that the future is bright for our province. I was more than impressed with the level of competition at the youth cup. It was great to see so many kids passionate about riding their bikes and it reminded me why I started riding. It is just plain fun. It was good to be reminded of why we get on our bikes and suffer to pursue the top step of the podium. It is simple. We are having fun. However, a dose of childhood perspective can really help everyone stay passionate about riding their bikes. In conclusion, you couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day to get out and ride a bike.

Until next time. Be a kid and enjoy riding your bike.

Jeff Schiller

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